Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Homework - 12/23/08

Periods 3, 8, and 9 - You must complete your final draft over the Holiday Break. Being that the overwhelming majority of you started your final draft in class, there is no excuse for not turning it in on the day we come back - 1/5/08.

Remember to underline the vocabulary words you included and place a star next to the events that you wrote about.

You must turn in the following on Monday 1/5/08:

  • Rough Draft
  • Peer Evaluation/Objectives Sheet
  • Final Draft

Period 6 - Complete the questions on the Quartering Act.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Homework - 12/22/08

Period 1 - Reminder - if you are interested in decorating the door, please be at school by 7:30 AM.

Periods 3, 8, and 9 - Complete your rough drafts. This is vital to our lesson tomorrow and is worth 15 points. ALSO, TOMORROW IS MR. HERNANDEZ'S LAST DAY. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO BRING IN ANY GOODIES THAT YOU WOULD LIKE.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Homework - 12/17/08

Period 1 - Review your notes on events 6-10 for your quiz on Friday. We will have a review in class tomorrow.

Period 3 - Finish the last 3 questions of the Midnight Ride.

Period 6 - Complete your questions on the Stamp Act using your text book. Unfortunately, I could not scan the page from the textbook.

Periods 8 and 9 - Finish the last 3 questions of the Midnight Ride.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Homework - 12/16/08

Period 1 -
Complete the Midnight Ride questions using the scanned images above.
Periods 3, 8, and 9 -
You must complete The First Continental Congress questions and the first 3 questions of the Midnight Ride.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Homework - 12/15/08

Period 1 - Complete questions for the First Continental Congress. Start looking over your notes on events 6 - 8. you will have a quiz on Thursday or Friday on events 6 - 10 and it will be the same format as your first quiz: short answers, multiple choice, definitions, and an open-ended essay.

Period 3 - study for your quiz on events 5-7. Remember to use the study guide provided to you by Mr. Hernandez.

Period 6 - Review your notes on Event 1 - The Proclamation of 1763 and BRING YOUR TEXTBOOK TO CLASS.

Period 8 - study for your quiz on events 5-7. Remember to use the study guide provided to you by Mr. Hernandez.

Period 9 - study for your quiz on events 5-7. Remember to use the study guide provided to you by Mr. Hernandez.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Homework - 12/12/08

Period 1 - You are to complete the questions for the Intolerable Acts

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Homework - 12/11/08

Periods 1, 3, 8 and 9

A) Complete Gaspee Incident questions using the scanned reading above. (make sure to double click on the image to enlarge it.

B) Complete Boston Tea Party Questions using your textbook.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Homework - 12/10/08

Period 1 - Study for your quiz on the first 5 events that a caused the American Revolution.

Period 3 - Complete the graphic organizer for the two readings on the Boston Massacre.

Period 6 - Define revolution. Use dictionary.com to copy down the definition that applies to social studies.

Period 8 - No Homework.

Period 9 - Complete the graphic organizer for the two readings on the Boston Massacre.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Homework - 12/9/08

Period 1 - Study for your quiz on Thursday. The quiz will be on the first 5 causes of the American Revolution. It will consist of multiple choice questions, defining key words of this unit, and a short answer question focusing on the Boston Massacre.

Period 3 and 9 - You must complete EVENT 5 - The Boston Massacre Questions.

Period 8 - Students must complete the graphic organizer that accompanies the Boston Massacre primary source readings.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Homework - 12/8/08

Period 1 - STUDY for your quiz on the first 5 Causes of the American Revolution. Your test will be on Wednesday or Thursday, depending on how far we get in class tomorrow.

Period 3 - STUDY for your quiz on the first 5 Causes of the American Revolution. Your quiz is tomorrow.

Period 6 - STUDY for your quiz on the French and Indian War. You will also have a 13 colonies map quiz on Friday.

Period 8 - No homework.

Period 9 - STUDY for your quiz on the first 5 Causes of the American Revolution. Your quiz will start during the second half of the period.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Homework - 12/5/08

Period 1 - Complete Boston Massacre Questions.

Period 3 - Continue to study for your quiz on Tuesday. The quiz will be on events 1 through 4 of your packet. Remember that event 1 is the Proclamation of 1763.

Period 8 - Study for your quiz on Monday. The quiz will be on events 1 - 4 of your packet. Remember that event 1 is the Proclamation of 1763.

Period 9 - Continue to study for your quiz on Tuesday. The quiz will be on events 1 through 4 of your packet. Remember that event 1 is the Proclamation of 1763.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Homework for 12/4/08

Period 3 - You must complete questions 1, 2, and 3 for the Townshend Acts.

Period 8 - Study for your quiz on events 1-4 of your packet. Remember event 1 is the Proclamation of 1763.

Extra Credit - Optional - Period 6 only

Complete the next question dealing with the title of the French and Indian War Cartoon.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Homework - 12/3/08

Periods 1 and 8
Complete questions 1, 2, and 3 of the Townshend Acts.

Periods 3 and 9
Complete the Quartering Act questions. You will have a 5 to 6 question quiz based on today's do now. MAKE SURE TO STUDY!!! This is a great opportunity to improve your average.

FRIDAY you will have a quiz on the Stamp Act and Quartering Act. All of the material will be reviewed in class prior to the quiz taking place.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Homework - 12/2/08

Period 1 - Complete the Stamp Act and Quartering Act questions.

Period 3 - Complete your definitions.

Period 8 - Complete the Stamp Act and Quartering Act questions.

Period 9 - Complete your definitions.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Homework - Monday 12/1/08

Periods 1, 3, 8, and 9:

You must have your HISTORY ALIVE! text book in class this week.

Periods 1 and 8 YOU MUST complete all of your definitions.

Periods 3 and 9 YOU MUST finish definitions 1 through 7.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Map of the 13 colonies

Study Guide - Period 1

Know the following:

  • The French and Indians were allies
  • The British and Colonists were allies
  • The war was fought over land - Ohio River Valley
  • The war was fought over resources - BEAVERS for the fur trade
  • The war was fought over river access - Ohio River and Mississippi River (Transportation and BEAVERS).
  • Why were British uniforms horrible for war fare?
  • Guerilla Warfare - hit and run attacks. Performed with great success by the Native Americans
  • What is an ambush?
  • Why Washington was angry with the British Army
  • Who is William Pitt? How did he help the colonies and hurt Britain?
  • What natural boundary kept the colonies on the east coast?
  • Why did King George III give land west of the Appalachian Mountains to the Native Americans?
  • Who won the battle of Quebec? Explain how the country won. (Battle Strategy)
  • Know the Treaty of Paris.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Jamestown Quiz - Period 6

Nice job today playing "Review Jenga" Please click on the link below to view the PowerPoint that we used today in class.

You will only be quizzed on the material included on the PowerPoint.

Link - http://www.mrrayatcentral.info/onlineppt/JamestownReview/ - click on the slide to advance.

Many thanks to Mr. Ray for hosting the review!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Period 1 - Homework

Complete qestions for Battle 1 using your "new" textbook -History Alive!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Period 6 Homework

Students - Make sure you paraphrase questions 6, 7, 8, and 9.
Use the following example to help you complete this assignment.

Question 6 - Move onto the 2nd paragraph. Why was the settlement called Jamestown? What year was it settleld?

  • The settlement was called ________________________. The year it was settled was ___________.

Please use the example above for the rest of your questions.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Homework

All students: make sure you color in your Electoral Map.

Remember, if the news predicts that Obama won - color the state BLUE!
If the news predicts McCain won - color the state RED!

Make sure to tally the electoral votes and place the total on the correct line.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Election Poster

Periods 1, 3, 8, and 9:

Remember - your poster is due on Tuesday, November 4th. Make sure that you are working on your poster at home.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Take Home Test Reminder

Periods 1, 3, and 8 your signed take home test is due tomorrow - Wednesday - 10/29/08.

Period 9 - your take home test is due on Thursday - 10/30/08.

Monday, October 27, 2008

3 Settlements Chart

Students, you are to fill in your 3 settlements chart using the following chart. The completed chart is due tomorrow.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Boys Soccer Team

Make sure to have warm clothing with you tomorrow for the county game as Basking Ridge. The weather report is calling for 54 degrees with some rain.

Make sure to get a good night's sleep! Let's go out there and do something special. If you missed practice on Friday, you must have an excuse from a doctor or your parent(s)/guardian.

Executive Branch PowerPoint

Due to the upcoming elections it is extremely important for all students to understand the roles of the Rresident and the Electoral College. Below you will find a link to Mrs. Zarkoskies website, which is hosting my PowerPoint.

Please click on this link: http://lzarkoskiemultimedia.googlepages.com/assignments

Once you are on Mrs. Z's page click on the link that says Mr. Cruz's Executive Branch PowerPoint. Once the PowerPoint loads, click F5 to view the show.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Periods 1, 3, 8, and 9
Using the reading packet, complete the questions on the Pilgrims at Plymouth.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Period 1, 3, 8, and 9 - You are responsible for completing the Jamestown questions using the reading packet your were given today.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Presidential Debate


Make sure to watch at least 20 minutes of tonight's Presidential Debate on channel 4. Periods 1, 6, 8, and 9 make sure to complete the worksheet that was given to you in class.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Early English Colonization

Students and parents:

Our next topic of study will be Early English Exploration. This will lead into the early settlements of Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Columbus Debate and Columbus Project

Students in Period 1 will be working on gathering facts on why Columbus Day should be celebrated in preparation for a video conferencing debate with Mr. Ray's period 1 class.

Period 1 - Be ready for your debate by Wednesday, 10-8-08. Mr. Ray and I will track your progress.

Students in Periods 3, 6, 8, and 9 will be given class time to work on their Columbus Project. Students will be asked to pick a side - should Columbus Day be a National Holiday, or should Columbus Day be removed as a National Holiday.

Periods 3, 6, 8, and 9 - your project will be due on October 13th - Columbus Day!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Columbus Map Quiz on Monday 9/29/08

Periods 1, 3, 8, and 9


You will have a quiz on Monday on the map that was given to early in the week.
You will be required to identify the following on a map:

Atlantic Ocean
Hispaniola - present day Haiti and the Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
North America
South America

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Vocabulary List for the Howard Zinn reading

“Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress”

The words are in red and the definition is in black.

tawny - tan
bear arms - carry weapons
subjugate - to conquer
cassava - tropical plant with an edible root
extravagant - beyond reasonable; excessive
naïve - simple; unsophisticated
contrary - opposite
dividend - a bonus
garnered - gathered
descendent - offspring; children/ grandchildren
vehement - showing a very strong feeling
transcribe - to make a written copy of
agile - able to move/think quickly; nimble

Thursday Night Homework for periods 1 and 8

Students in Mr. Cruz's and Mr. Hernandez's period 1 and 8 classes are required to define the word Genocide.

DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT look up images relating to the subject.

We suggest that you use the following website for the definition: www.dictionary.com

Monday, September 22, 2008


Textbooks were handed out today. Please make sure that they are covered by Thursday, September 25th.

For those students who received new textbooks, please make sure to keep them in the best condition possible.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008



Our next unit of Study focuses on Christopher Columbus and Native Americans. All reading material will be distributed in class and you will be required to actively participate in our class discussion.

Remember, anything that is written down on the Tablet or white board should be written down in your note books.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Reminder for Periods 1,3, and 6

As you study for your quiz remember to study the physical size and population of the following states:

  • Wyoming
  • New Jersey
  • Alaska
  • Texas
  • California

Use the "helpful" link on the right titled - "Map of the United States" for the required information.

Good Luck!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Map Quiz

There will be a map quiz for all students next week.

Periods 8 and 9 your quiz will be on Monday - 9/15.

Periods 1, 3, and 6 your quiz will be on Tuesday - 9/16.

Mr. Ray was kind enough to upload the PowerPoint we used in class. Make sure to click on the following:


You can also access the blank map we are using. Click on the following:


Make sure to study and have fun!!!

If you have any questions see Mr. Cruz

Boys Soccer Tryouts

All boys who are interested in trying out for the CMS soccer team must have their paperwork in by their tryout date.

The schedule for tryouts is as follows:
8th grade – Monday – September 15th.
7th grade – Tuesday – September 16th.
6th grade – Wednesday – September 17th.

If you have any questions, please see Mr. Cruz in room 311 as soon as possible.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Important Documents


On the first day of school you will be given several important documents/handouts that must be returned by Thursday, 9/11/08.

Homework - Due Monday, September 15.

All students in Mr. Cruz's classes are to complete the candidate fact sheet.

Please focus on the facts for the PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES. Any facts gathered for vice-presidential candidates will earn you one extra credit point.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The purpose of this website is to keep you updated on class activities and to provide you with reminders.