Friday, September 26, 2008

Columbus Map Quiz on Monday 9/29/08

Periods 1, 3, 8, and 9


You will have a quiz on Monday on the map that was given to early in the week.
You will be required to identify the following on a map:

Atlantic Ocean
Hispaniola - present day Haiti and the Dominican Republic
Puerto Rico
North America
South America

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Vocabulary List for the Howard Zinn reading

“Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress”

The words are in red and the definition is in black.

tawny - tan
bear arms - carry weapons
subjugate - to conquer
cassava - tropical plant with an edible root
extravagant - beyond reasonable; excessive
naïve - simple; unsophisticated
contrary - opposite
dividend - a bonus
garnered - gathered
descendent - offspring; children/ grandchildren
vehement - showing a very strong feeling
transcribe - to make a written copy of
agile - able to move/think quickly; nimble

Thursday Night Homework for periods 1 and 8

Students in Mr. Cruz's and Mr. Hernandez's period 1 and 8 classes are required to define the word Genocide.

DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT look up images relating to the subject.

We suggest that you use the following website for the definition:

Monday, September 22, 2008


Textbooks were handed out today. Please make sure that they are covered by Thursday, September 25th.

For those students who received new textbooks, please make sure to keep them in the best condition possible.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008



Our next unit of Study focuses on Christopher Columbus and Native Americans. All reading material will be distributed in class and you will be required to actively participate in our class discussion.

Remember, anything that is written down on the Tablet or white board should be written down in your note books.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Reminder for Periods 1,3, and 6

As you study for your quiz remember to study the physical size and population of the following states:

  • Wyoming
  • New Jersey
  • Alaska
  • Texas
  • California

Use the "helpful" link on the right titled - "Map of the United States" for the required information.

Good Luck!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Map Quiz

There will be a map quiz for all students next week.

Periods 8 and 9 your quiz will be on Monday - 9/15.

Periods 1, 3, and 6 your quiz will be on Tuesday - 9/16.

Mr. Ray was kind enough to upload the PowerPoint we used in class. Make sure to click on the following:

You can also access the blank map we are using. Click on the following:

Make sure to study and have fun!!!

If you have any questions see Mr. Cruz

Boys Soccer Tryouts

All boys who are interested in trying out for the CMS soccer team must have their paperwork in by their tryout date.

The schedule for tryouts is as follows:
8th grade – Monday – September 15th.
7th grade – Tuesday – September 16th.
6th grade – Wednesday – September 17th.

If you have any questions, please see Mr. Cruz in room 311 as soon as possible.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Important Documents


On the first day of school you will be given several important documents/handouts that must be returned by Thursday, 9/11/08.

Homework - Due Monday, September 15.

All students in Mr. Cruz's classes are to complete the candidate fact sheet.

Please focus on the facts for the PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES. Any facts gathered for vice-presidential candidates will earn you one extra credit point.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


The purpose of this website is to keep you updated on class activities and to provide you with reminders.