Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Map of the 13 colonies

Study Guide - Period 1

Know the following:

  • The French and Indians were allies
  • The British and Colonists were allies
  • The war was fought over land - Ohio River Valley
  • The war was fought over resources - BEAVERS for the fur trade
  • The war was fought over river access - Ohio River and Mississippi River (Transportation and BEAVERS).
  • Why were British uniforms horrible for war fare?
  • Guerilla Warfare - hit and run attacks. Performed with great success by the Native Americans
  • What is an ambush?
  • Why Washington was angry with the British Army
  • Who is William Pitt? How did he help the colonies and hurt Britain?
  • What natural boundary kept the colonies on the east coast?
  • Why did King George III give land west of the Appalachian Mountains to the Native Americans?
  • Who won the battle of Quebec? Explain how the country won. (Battle Strategy)
  • Know the Treaty of Paris.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Jamestown Quiz - Period 6

Nice job today playing "Review Jenga" Please click on the link below to view the PowerPoint that we used today in class.

You will only be quizzed on the material included on the PowerPoint.

Link - - click on the slide to advance.

Many thanks to Mr. Ray for hosting the review!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Period 1 - Homework

Complete qestions for Battle 1 using your "new" textbook -History Alive!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Period 6 Homework

Students - Make sure you paraphrase questions 6, 7, 8, and 9.
Use the following example to help you complete this assignment.

Question 6 - Move onto the 2nd paragraph. Why was the settlement called Jamestown? What year was it settleld?

  • The settlement was called ________________________. The year it was settled was ___________.

Please use the example above for the rest of your questions.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Homework

All students: make sure you color in your Electoral Map.

Remember, if the news predicts that Obama won - color the state BLUE!
If the news predicts McCain won - color the state RED!

Make sure to tally the electoral votes and place the total on the correct line.