Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Homework - 12/23/08

Periods 3, 8, and 9 - You must complete your final draft over the Holiday Break. Being that the overwhelming majority of you started your final draft in class, there is no excuse for not turning it in on the day we come back - 1/5/08.

Remember to underline the vocabulary words you included and place a star next to the events that you wrote about.

You must turn in the following on Monday 1/5/08:

  • Rough Draft
  • Peer Evaluation/Objectives Sheet
  • Final Draft

Period 6 - Complete the questions on the Quartering Act.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Homework - 12/22/08

Period 1 - Reminder - if you are interested in decorating the door, please be at school by 7:30 AM.

Periods 3, 8, and 9 - Complete your rough drafts. This is vital to our lesson tomorrow and is worth 15 points. ALSO, TOMORROW IS MR. HERNANDEZ'S LAST DAY. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO BRING IN ANY GOODIES THAT YOU WOULD LIKE.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Homework - 12/17/08

Period 1 - Review your notes on events 6-10 for your quiz on Friday. We will have a review in class tomorrow.

Period 3 - Finish the last 3 questions of the Midnight Ride.

Period 6 - Complete your questions on the Stamp Act using your text book. Unfortunately, I could not scan the page from the textbook.

Periods 8 and 9 - Finish the last 3 questions of the Midnight Ride.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Homework - 12/16/08

Period 1 -
Complete the Midnight Ride questions using the scanned images above.
Periods 3, 8, and 9 -
You must complete The First Continental Congress questions and the first 3 questions of the Midnight Ride.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Homework - 12/15/08

Period 1 - Complete questions for the First Continental Congress. Start looking over your notes on events 6 - 8. you will have a quiz on Thursday or Friday on events 6 - 10 and it will be the same format as your first quiz: short answers, multiple choice, definitions, and an open-ended essay.

Period 3 - study for your quiz on events 5-7. Remember to use the study guide provided to you by Mr. Hernandez.

Period 6 - Review your notes on Event 1 - The Proclamation of 1763 and BRING YOUR TEXTBOOK TO CLASS.

Period 8 - study for your quiz on events 5-7. Remember to use the study guide provided to you by Mr. Hernandez.

Period 9 - study for your quiz on events 5-7. Remember to use the study guide provided to you by Mr. Hernandez.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Homework - 12/12/08

Period 1 - You are to complete the questions for the Intolerable Acts

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Homework - 12/11/08

Periods 1, 3, 8 and 9

A) Complete Gaspee Incident questions using the scanned reading above. (make sure to double click on the image to enlarge it.

B) Complete Boston Tea Party Questions using your textbook.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Homework - 12/10/08

Period 1 - Study for your quiz on the first 5 events that a caused the American Revolution.

Period 3 - Complete the graphic organizer for the two readings on the Boston Massacre.

Period 6 - Define revolution. Use dictionary.com to copy down the definition that applies to social studies.

Period 8 - No Homework.

Period 9 - Complete the graphic organizer for the two readings on the Boston Massacre.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Homework - 12/9/08

Period 1 - Study for your quiz on Thursday. The quiz will be on the first 5 causes of the American Revolution. It will consist of multiple choice questions, defining key words of this unit, and a short answer question focusing on the Boston Massacre.

Period 3 and 9 - You must complete EVENT 5 - The Boston Massacre Questions.

Period 8 - Students must complete the graphic organizer that accompanies the Boston Massacre primary source readings.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Homework - 12/8/08

Period 1 - STUDY for your quiz on the first 5 Causes of the American Revolution. Your test will be on Wednesday or Thursday, depending on how far we get in class tomorrow.

Period 3 - STUDY for your quiz on the first 5 Causes of the American Revolution. Your quiz is tomorrow.

Period 6 - STUDY for your quiz on the French and Indian War. You will also have a 13 colonies map quiz on Friday.

Period 8 - No homework.

Period 9 - STUDY for your quiz on the first 5 Causes of the American Revolution. Your quiz will start during the second half of the period.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Homework - 12/5/08

Period 1 - Complete Boston Massacre Questions.

Period 3 - Continue to study for your quiz on Tuesday. The quiz will be on events 1 through 4 of your packet. Remember that event 1 is the Proclamation of 1763.

Period 8 - Study for your quiz on Monday. The quiz will be on events 1 - 4 of your packet. Remember that event 1 is the Proclamation of 1763.

Period 9 - Continue to study for your quiz on Tuesday. The quiz will be on events 1 through 4 of your packet. Remember that event 1 is the Proclamation of 1763.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Homework for 12/4/08

Period 3 - You must complete questions 1, 2, and 3 for the Townshend Acts.

Period 8 - Study for your quiz on events 1-4 of your packet. Remember event 1 is the Proclamation of 1763.

Extra Credit - Optional - Period 6 only

Complete the next question dealing with the title of the French and Indian War Cartoon.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Homework - 12/3/08

Periods 1 and 8
Complete questions 1, 2, and 3 of the Townshend Acts.

Periods 3 and 9
Complete the Quartering Act questions. You will have a 5 to 6 question quiz based on today's do now. MAKE SURE TO STUDY!!! This is a great opportunity to improve your average.

FRIDAY you will have a quiz on the Stamp Act and Quartering Act. All of the material will be reviewed in class prior to the quiz taking place.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Homework - 12/2/08

Period 1 - Complete the Stamp Act and Quartering Act questions.

Period 3 - Complete your definitions.

Period 8 - Complete the Stamp Act and Quartering Act questions.

Period 9 - Complete your definitions.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Homework - Monday 12/1/08

Periods 1, 3, 8, and 9:

You must have your HISTORY ALIVE! text book in class this week.

Periods 1 and 8 YOU MUST complete all of your definitions.

Periods 3 and 9 YOU MUST finish definitions 1 through 7.